With decades of industry experience and all of the required licenses, our alliance partners are prepared to provide you with exceptional compliance and operational services to support the critical functions of your securities firm, hedge fund, or Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). Whether you need to fill a void on an outsourced basis, or just need to supplement your existing personnel, we’re here to meet your needs.
Here is an outline of our available services:
- File an initial application to become a FINRA Member
- File a Continuous Membership Application to engage in a new line of business
- File initial application to become an MSRB Member
- File an initial state registration
- Ongoing state registration filings for broker-dealers, and handle inquiries
- Handle registration problems for registered representatives with significant disciplinary histories
CRD Registration
- Perform CRD registration issues on an outsourced basis
- WEBCRD Administrator training
- U-4, U-5, Form BD, Form BD, Form BR processing
- Determine qualifications and examination requirements of registered personnel
- File annual “Limited Size and Resources” exemption
- NCS “Save/Verify” within 17 days after each quarter
- WEB IR and response to regulatory inquires
- New hiring procedures
Compliance Examinations
- Prepare for an examination
- Conduct an in-depth mock examination
- Create a List of Required Files for regulatory exams
- Write responses to examination findings, exit conference, LOC
Continuing Education Program
- Design a CEP including the Written Needs Analysis, and Written Program
- Prepare Firm Element, presentation and training agenda for registered representatives
- Conduct training sessions
- AML Continuing Education and training
Other Annual Requirement
- Conduct Annual Compliance Meetings, design meeting content and questionnaires
- Annual Internal Inspection of the OSJ
- Conduct Branch Inspections
- Write Annual Disclosures to Customers Document
- Margin Disclosure
- Uncovered Options Disclosures
- CEO Annual Report and Certification, test compliance procedures
- Regulation S-P
- Delivery of the Privacy Policy
- After Hours Disclosure
- AML Independent Testing and written report to senior managers, (annual requirement)
- Filing SARS
- FinCen Requirements Patriot Act Section 314 (a) and (b)
- Customer Identification Procedures
- Foreign Banks
International Equity Research Sales
- SEC Rule 15a-6, no-action letters
Written Supervisory Procedures
- Review Compliance Manual, (annual requirement)
- Write a Compliance Manual hand tailored to a particular line of business
- WSP for retail/institutional business
- Revise procedures according to new rules, new product areas and examination deficiencies
- Equity Research WSP, Checklist for Approval of Equity Research, Preparation of the Required Disclosure, Letter of Attestation, Quarterly Attestation regarding Public Appearances
- Penny Stock Regulation and WSP
- Options, WSP
- Supervisory Controls
- Fixed Income
- Restricted securities sales
- Private Placements, escrow agreements
Review and Write Website Content, Advertisements, Recruit Advertisements and Sales Literature
Handle and Respond to Customer Complaints
Business Continuity Plans
- Annual Review of the BCP
- Delivery of the BCP 3510(e) Disclosure
Trade Reporting
- MSRB Dealer Feedback
- ACT reporting
- SEC Rule 11Ac1-5/1-6
- Retail and institutional trade review
- Prepare 15c2-11 filings
- HR issues
- Insurance needs
- Email/IM retention and archiving
- Negotiate clearing agreements
- Registered Investment Adviser issues, procedures, Code of Ethics